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About Us

Connecting You to the Wonders of Earth Exploring Natural Minerals

At the forefront of industrial mineral powders in India, Natural Minerals is the trusted manufacturer committed to delivering excellence. With cutting-edge manufacturing facilities and a skilled team, we offer a diverse range of high-quality minerals. Our relentless pursuit of quality and innovation ensures consistent performance and customer satisfaction. Backed by years of expertise, we cater to diverse industries, providing reliable solutions that optimize processes and elevate product performance. Choose Natural Mineral for superior industrial mineral powders, driving success in your operations.

Our Products

From Nature to Innovation: Revolutionize your Industry with our Natural Mineral Offerings

Dolomite Powder

Dolomite powder serves as a catalyst and pH regulator in various chemical reactions, facilitating efficient industrial processes.

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Calcite Powder

Calcite powder improves opacity, brightness, and colour retention in paints, creating vibrant and long-lasting finishes.

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Dolomite Powder

The Versatile Applications of Dolomite Powder

  •  Dolomite powder enhances the strength, durability, and workability of cement and concrete products.
  •  Plays a role as a filler material, improving the properties of construction materials for long-lasting structures
  •  Dolomite powder is utilized in the production of sustainable building materials, such as eco-friendly blocks, bricks, and insulation, promoting green construction practices.

Calcite Powder in the Natural Mineral Industry

  •  It is used as filler and extender in various industrial applications, including paints, coatings, and plastics.
  •  It enhances paper whiteness, improve printability, and increase paper strength.
  •  Use of calcite powder in building materials such as cement, concrete, and mortar.
calcite Powder

Why Choose Us ?

Unmatched commitment to quality, guaranteeing pure and authentic natural minerals.


State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities delivering superior natural mineral products for diverse industries.



At Natural Minerals, we offer an extensive range of high-quality minerals sourced from around the globe.



Our adaptive solutions meeting the evolving needs of the dynamic natural mineral industry.



Excellence Redefined: Elevating the Bar for Quality in the Natural Mineral Sector.